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Tree Shear University

This page contains video information about the TMK Tree Shears, please scroll down to see educational and operational videos. The individual tree shear pages may provide more specific information about the tree shear you are interested in. This page is under construction. Thank you. 

TMK How To Series

Episode 1: Selecting your tree shear // TMK How to series

Episode 1: Selecting your tree shear // TMK How to series

🎬 In the first Episode we’ll start with the basics, detailing the recommended excavator range and the rated cut capacities for our Tree Shears. Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest Machines, Tele handlers, wheel loaders and such. ⚙️ Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 Make sure to follow us as we continue along the series, next up will be the cylinder options! 🤩The next episode will be out on Friday, January 29th. — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // 🎬 Ensimmäisessä jaksossa aloitetaan perusasioista. Käymme koura kohtaisesti läpi sopivien kaivureiden kokoluokat ja puunleikkauskapasiteetit. Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin ja vastaaviin. ⚙️ Muista seurata sarjaamme. Seuraavana vuorossa ovat sylinterivaihtoehdot! 🤩 Seuraava jakso tulee ulos perjantaina 29.1.2021.
Episode 2: Cylinder options for TMK 200 & TMK 300 // TMK How to series

Episode 2: Cylinder options for TMK 200 & TMK 300 // TMK How to series

☝️ In the second Episode we’ll dig into the cylinder options of TMK 200 & 300. The cylinder itself is one of the most important things when tailoring the Tree Shear for your needs and that’s why we’ve developed a variety of them to suit different types of usage and needs. Spending some time in discussing the options and your machine specifications at the start will be a big benefit in the long run. 💁‍♂️ Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. 💪 Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 Make sure to follow us as we continue along the series, next we will dig into the background and basics of the Original TMK Tree Shear a bit! 😊 The next episode will be out on Friday, February 12th. 🍿 — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // ☝️ Toisessa jaksossa syvennytään TMK 200 & 300 -sylinterivaihtoehtoihin. Sylinteri on yksi tärkeimmistä asioista oman kourapaketin valitsemisessa ja siksi olemme kehittäneet useita vaihtoehtoja kattamaan monenlaisia käyttötarkoituksia ja tarpeita. Huolellinen sylinterivaihtoehtoihin perehtyminen, niistä keskusteleminen kanssamme sekä koneesi teknisiin tietoihin paneutuminen kannattaa pitkässä juoksussa. 💁‍♂️ Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. 💪 Muista seurata sarjaamme jatkossakin. Seuraavassa jaksossa perehdymme, että mistä kaikki alkoi ja millaisesta kourasta kaikki lähti liikkeelle! 😊 Seuraava jakso tulee ulos perjantaina 12.2.2021. 🍿
Episode 3: Idea behind the TMK Tree Shear // TMK How to series

Episode 3: Idea behind the TMK Tree Shear // TMK How to series

Why choose TMK? 🤔 In the third Episode we’ll get a quick cameo from Tenho, our CEO & Inventor of the TMK Tree Shear. 👨‍🏭 We will also go through what was the initial idea behind the shear and some of its key ingredients in design that launched it to its success as the Original Guillotine Tree Shear. 🦄 Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 Make sure to follow us as we continue along the series, next we will dig into the modular design and the benefits you gain because of it when choosing the TMK Tree Shear! 📈 The next episode will be out on Friday, February 26th. 🎥 — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // Miksi valita TMK? 🤔 Kolmannessa jaksossa TMK:n perustaja, toimitusjohtaja ja keksijä Tenho tulee pikaisesti näyttäytymään videolla. 👨‍🏭 Käymme jaksossa läpi, miksi Tenho lähti keksimään aitoa ja alkuperäistä yhden kahmaimen kouraa sekä perehdymme myös tärkeimpiin tekijöihin, jonka vuoksi ainutlaatuisesta TMK Energiakourasta on tullut suosittu ympäri maailman. 🦄 Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. ✂️🌲 Muista seurata sarjaamme jatkossakin. Seuraavassa jaksossa perehdymme kouran rakenteeseen, jota on helppo täydentää työhösi sopivilla lisävarusteilla sekä lisävarusteista saamiisi hyötyihin kun valitset TMK Energiakouran! 📈 Seuraava jakso tulee ulos perjantaina 26.2.2021. 🎥
Episode 4: Modular design // TMK How to series

Episode 4: Modular design // TMK How to series

In the fourth Episode we’ll take a quick look into our modular design. 🧰🔧 Getting the most out of the TMK Tree Shear is based on how well it will suit the job at hand and our innovative design allows you to build it just to your liking. 💪 Most of the attachments we’ve developed based on customer needs are available for all the Tree Shear models and can be equipped direct from the factory or later on as a retrofit kit. Discussing through these attachments and their controlling options with your dealer will allow us to provide you with the most suitable combination for your specific needs and help you grow with your work. 📈 Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // Neljännessä jaksossa perehdymme TMK Energiakouran muunneltavuuteen. 🧰🔧 TMK Energiakourien innovatiivisen modulaarisen suunnittelun avulla pystymme vastaamaan parhaiten juuri Sinun työhösi sopivilla lisävarusteilla, jolloin TMK Energiakourasta saa parhaan mahdollisen hyödyn irti. 💪 Suurin osa lisävarusteista, joita olemme kehittäneet asiakkaiden tarpeiden mukaisesti, on saatavilla kaikkiin energiakouramalleihimme. Ne voidaan asentaa heti kouraa valmistaessa tai lisätä jälkikäteen. Keskustelemalla meidän kanssa lisävarusteista ja niiden ohjausvaihtoehdoista saat juuri työhösi sopivat välineet ja silloin pystyt parhaiten kasvamaan työsi mukana. 📈 Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. ✂️🌲
Episode 5: Collector and Delimber together with 3-in-1 hydraulics // TMK How to series

Episode 5: Collector and Delimber together with 3-in-1 hydraulics // TMK How to series

Today’s episode is about how to operate the Collector and the Delimber. 🖐️🧰 In this video these two very popular attachments are controlled with our wireless electric kit ⚡ and we have used only one double-acting hydraulic auxiliary line to operate both of them. This is possible with our innovative 3-in-1 valving system. 🧪 Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. 💪 Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 In the next episode we will take a deeper look into the Collector and what kind of control options there is for our most popular attachment. 🏆 Until next time! 👋 — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // Tämän kertaisessa jakso käydään läpi, kuinka keräintä ja karsinta käytetään. 🖐️🧰 Näitä kahta erittäin suosittua lisävarustetta käytetään tällä videolla langattomalla sähköllä ⚡ ja niiden ohjaamiseen vain yhtä hydrauliikkalinjaa. Tämä on mahdollista meidän innovatiivisella 3-1:ssä venttiilijärjestelmällämme. 🧪 Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. ✂️🌲💪 Seuraavassa jaksossa tarkastelemme syvemmin keräintä ja mitä ohjausvaihtoehtoja on tuolle meidän suosituimmalle lisävarusteellemme. 🏆 Seuraavaan kertaan! 👋
Episode 6: Control options for the Collector // TMK How to series

Episode 6: Control options for the Collector // TMK How to series

In this episode we’ll take a deeper look into the operation of Collector with different control methods. ✔️ We’re using the Collector attachment with and without electricity and going through the basics of how they function. Hydraulics are run into the tree shear from one direct double-acting line, with one shear being a pressure-diverted Collector version and the other a Collector with electricity. 🛢️⚡ ☝️ Carefully discussing through the attachments and their controlling options with your dealer will allow us to provide you with the most suitable combination for your specific needs and help you grow with your work. Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 Next we go through the control options for the Delimber. Until next time! 👋 — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // Tässä jaksossa tarkastelemme tarkemmin keräimen toimintaa eri ohjausvaihtoehdoilla. ✔️ Käytämme keräintä sähköllä ja ilman sähköä ja käymme läpi niiden toiminnan perusteet. 🛢️⚡ ☝️ Keskustelemalla meidän kanssa lisävarusteista ja niiden ohjausvaihtoehdoista voimme antaa sinulle sopivimman yhdistelmän tarpeisiisi ja autamme sinua näin kasvamaan työsi mukana. Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. ✂️🌲💪 Seuraavassa jaksossa käydään sama homma läpi karsimen osalta. Seuraavaan kertaan! 👋
Episode 7: Control options for the Delimber // TMK How to series

Episode 7: Control options for the Delimber // TMK How to series

In this episode we’ll take a deeper look into the operation of Delimber with different control methods. We’re using the Delimber attachment with and without electricity and going through the basics of how they function. Hydraulics are run into the tree shear from one direct double-acting line, with one shear being a pressure-diverted Delimber version 🛢️ and the other a Delimber with electricity. ⚡ ☝️ Carefully discussing through the attachments and their controlling options with your dealer will allow us to provide you with the most suitable combination for your specific needs and help you grow with your work. Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 Next, it’s definitely worth going through that how to operate the TMK Tree Shear. 😅 Until next time! 👋 — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // Tässä jaksossa tarkastelemme tarkemmin karsimen toimintaa eri ohjausvaihtoehdoilla. ✔️ Käytämme karsinta sähköllä ja ilman sähköä ja käymme läpi niiden toiminnan perusteet. 🛢️⚡ ☝️ Keskustelemalla meidän kanssa lisävarusteista ja niiden ohjausvaihtoehdoista voimme antaa sinulle sopivimman yhdistelmän tarpeisiisi ja autamme sinua näin kasvamaan työsi mukana. Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. ✂️🌲💪 Seuraavaksi on varmasti syytä käydä läpi, kuinka TMK energiakouraa käytetään. 😅 Seuraavaan kertaan! 👋
Episode 8: How to cut with TMK Tree Shear // TMK How to series

Episode 8: How to cut with TMK Tree Shear // TMK How to series

In this episode we’ll take a look into the correct cutting technique with the guillotine Tree Shear. 🌲✂️ Adjusting a few things in your work will provide you with maximum operator safety and equipment durability. 🦺💪 We’re using a TMK 300 with a BrushGrapple to quickly demonstrate a few main things. Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. 🚜 Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc.  The next episode will be out on Friday, May 21st and it's going to be about TMK Tilt unit. 🔄 See you then! 👀  — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // Tällä kertaa perehdymme oikeaoppiseen tapaan leikata giljotiinikouralla. 🌲✂️ Tietyt asiat huomioiden leikkaamisessa teet työstäsi turvallisempaa ja lisäät välineiden käyttöikää. 🦺💪 Käytämme videolla TMK 300 energiakouraa, jossa on myös risukahmain, näyttääksemme muutaman pääpointin. Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. ✂️🌲💪 Seuraava jakso ilmestyy perjantaina 21.5. ja siinä kerromme lisää TMK Kallistimesta. 🔄 Nähdään silloin! 👀
Episode 9: Tilting unit for tree shearing // TMK How to series

Episode 9: Tilting unit for tree shearing // TMK How to series

In this episode we will take a look at the TMK Tilting Unit which is a great tool especially when cutting curved trees and branches with the TMK Tree Shears. 🌲✂️ TMK Tilting Unit is durable and robust, built in true TMK way and it’s easily bolt-attached to your shear. Two cylinders give equal force and speed for tilting both ways, with a whopping total of 180 degrees. The best thing is that you need only one double acting hydraulic line to operate it even with your shear!💯 It is suitable for TMK 300 and TMK 400 models and weighs at 300kg. Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. 🚜 Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // Nyt käymme läpi TMK Kallistinta, joka on erityisen hyvä lisävaruste kun pitää leikata käyriä puita tai oksia. 🌲✂️ Kallistin on kestävä ja lujatekoinen tuttuun TMK tapaan ja se on helppo kiinnittää pulteilla TMK energiakouraan. Kaksi sylinteriä takaa saman nopeuden ja voiman molempiin suuntiin kallistaessa ja kallistin kääntyykin yhteensä huikeat 180 astetta. Mahtavaa on, että tarvitset vain yhden hydrauliikkalinjan kourapakettisi käyttämiseen. 💯 Kallistin sopii TMK 300 ja TMK 400 malleihin ja se painaa 300 kg. Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. 🚜
Episode 10: Cylinder options for TMK 400 // TMK How to series

Episode 10: Cylinder options for TMK 400 // TMK How to series

In the tenth episode of TMK How to series we’ll dig into the cylinder options for the TMK 400. 💪 The cylinder itself is one of the most important things when tailoring the Tree Shear for your needs and that’s why we’ve developed a variety of them to suit different types of usage and needs. Spending some time in discussing the options and your machine specifications at the start will be a big benefit in the long run. 🗣️ Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. 🚜 Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. 🌲✂️ For now we'll be switching to vacation mode as the TMK How to series will be taking a little summer break. See you in the fall! 👋 // TMK How to seriesin kymmenennessä jaksossa syvennymme TMK 400 energiakouran sylinterivaihtoehtoihin. 💪 Sylinteri on yksi tärkeimmistä asioista oman kourapaketin valitsemisessa ja siksi olemme kehittäneet useita vaihtoehtoja kattamaan monenlaisia käyttötarkoituksia ja tarpeita. Huolellinen sylinterivaihtoehtoihin perehtyminen, niistä keskusteleminen kanssamme sekä koneesi teknisiin tietoihin paneutuminen kannattaa pitkässä juoksussa. 🗣️ Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. 🚜🌲✂️ Tämän jakson myötä TMK How to series siirtyy pienelle kesätauolle. Nähdään jälleen syksyllä! 👋

SFI How to Videos

Episode 1: Selecting your tree shear // TMK How to series

Episode 1: Selecting your tree shear // TMK How to series

🎬 In the first Episode we’ll start with the basics, detailing the recommended excavator range and the rated cut capacities for our Tree Shears. Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest Machines, Tele handlers, wheel loaders and such. ⚙️ Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 Make sure to follow us as we continue along the series, next up will be the cylinder options! 🤩The next episode will be out on Friday, January 29th. — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // 🎬 Ensimmäisessä jaksossa aloitetaan perusasioista. Käymme koura kohtaisesti läpi sopivien kaivureiden kokoluokat ja puunleikkauskapasiteetit. Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin ja vastaaviin. ⚙️ Muista seurata sarjaamme. Seuraavana vuorossa ovat sylinterivaihtoehdot! 🤩 Seuraava jakso tulee ulos perjantaina 29.1.2021.
Episode 2: Cylinder options for TMK 200 & TMK 300 // TMK How to series

Episode 2: Cylinder options for TMK 200 & TMK 300 // TMK How to series

☝️ In the second Episode we’ll dig into the cylinder options of TMK 200 & 300. The cylinder itself is one of the most important things when tailoring the Tree Shear for your needs and that’s why we’ve developed a variety of them to suit different types of usage and needs. Spending some time in discussing the options and your machine specifications at the start will be a big benefit in the long run. 💁‍♂️ Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. 💪 Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 Make sure to follow us as we continue along the series, next we will dig into the background and basics of the Original TMK Tree Shear a bit! 😊 The next episode will be out on Friday, February 12th. 🍿 — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // ☝️ Toisessa jaksossa syvennytään TMK 200 & 300 -sylinterivaihtoehtoihin. Sylinteri on yksi tärkeimmistä asioista oman kourapaketin valitsemisessa ja siksi olemme kehittäneet useita vaihtoehtoja kattamaan monenlaisia käyttötarkoituksia ja tarpeita. Huolellinen sylinterivaihtoehtoihin perehtyminen, niistä keskusteleminen kanssamme sekä koneesi teknisiin tietoihin paneutuminen kannattaa pitkässä juoksussa. 💁‍♂️ Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. 💪 Muista seurata sarjaamme jatkossakin. Seuraavassa jaksossa perehdymme, että mistä kaikki alkoi ja millaisesta kourasta kaikki lähti liikkeelle! 😊 Seuraava jakso tulee ulos perjantaina 12.2.2021. 🍿
Episode 3: Idea behind the TMK Tree Shear // TMK How to series

Episode 3: Idea behind the TMK Tree Shear // TMK How to series

Why choose TMK? 🤔 In the third Episode we’ll get a quick cameo from Tenho, our CEO & Inventor of the TMK Tree Shear. 👨‍🏭 We will also go through what was the initial idea behind the shear and some of its key ingredients in design that launched it to its success as the Original Guillotine Tree Shear. 🦄 Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 Make sure to follow us as we continue along the series, next we will dig into the modular design and the benefits you gain because of it when choosing the TMK Tree Shear! 📈 The next episode will be out on Friday, February 26th. 🎥 — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // Miksi valita TMK? 🤔 Kolmannessa jaksossa TMK:n perustaja, toimitusjohtaja ja keksijä Tenho tulee pikaisesti näyttäytymään videolla. 👨‍🏭 Käymme jaksossa läpi, miksi Tenho lähti keksimään aitoa ja alkuperäistä yhden kahmaimen kouraa sekä perehdymme myös tärkeimpiin tekijöihin, jonka vuoksi ainutlaatuisesta TMK Energiakourasta on tullut suosittu ympäri maailman. 🦄 Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. ✂️🌲 Muista seurata sarjaamme jatkossakin. Seuraavassa jaksossa perehdymme kouran rakenteeseen, jota on helppo täydentää työhösi sopivilla lisävarusteilla sekä lisävarusteista saamiisi hyötyihin kun valitset TMK Energiakouran! 📈 Seuraava jakso tulee ulos perjantaina 26.2.2021. 🎥
Episode 4: Modular design // TMK How to series

Episode 4: Modular design // TMK How to series

In the fourth Episode we’ll take a quick look into our modular design. 🧰🔧 Getting the most out of the TMK Tree Shear is based on how well it will suit the job at hand and our innovative design allows you to build it just to your liking. 💪 Most of the attachments we’ve developed based on customer needs are available for all the Tree Shear models and can be equipped direct from the factory or later on as a retrofit kit. Discussing through these attachments and their controlling options with your dealer will allow us to provide you with the most suitable combination for your specific needs and help you grow with your work. 📈 Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // Neljännessä jaksossa perehdymme TMK Energiakouran muunneltavuuteen. 🧰🔧 TMK Energiakourien innovatiivisen modulaarisen suunnittelun avulla pystymme vastaamaan parhaiten juuri Sinun työhösi sopivilla lisävarusteilla, jolloin TMK Energiakourasta saa parhaan mahdollisen hyödyn irti. 💪 Suurin osa lisävarusteista, joita olemme kehittäneet asiakkaiden tarpeiden mukaisesti, on saatavilla kaikkiin energiakouramalleihimme. Ne voidaan asentaa heti kouraa valmistaessa tai lisätä jälkikäteen. Keskustelemalla meidän kanssa lisävarusteista ja niiden ohjausvaihtoehdoista saat juuri työhösi sopivat välineet ja silloin pystyt parhaiten kasvamaan työsi mukana. 📈 Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. ✂️🌲
Episode 5: Collector and Delimber together with 3-in-1 hydraulics // TMK How to series

Episode 5: Collector and Delimber together with 3-in-1 hydraulics // TMK How to series

Today’s episode is about how to operate the Collector and the Delimber. 🖐️🧰 In this video these two very popular attachments are controlled with our wireless electric kit ⚡ and we have used only one double-acting hydraulic auxiliary line to operate both of them. This is possible with our innovative 3-in-1 valving system. 🧪 Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. 💪 Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 In the next episode we will take a deeper look into the Collector and what kind of control options there is for our most popular attachment. 🏆 Until next time! 👋 — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // Tämän kertaisessa jakso käydään läpi, kuinka keräintä ja karsinta käytetään. 🖐️🧰 Näitä kahta erittäin suosittua lisävarustetta käytetään tällä videolla langattomalla sähköllä ⚡ ja niiden ohjaamiseen vain yhtä hydrauliikkalinjaa. Tämä on mahdollista meidän innovatiivisella 3-1:ssä venttiilijärjestelmällämme. 🧪 Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. ✂️🌲💪 Seuraavassa jaksossa tarkastelemme syvemmin keräintä ja mitä ohjausvaihtoehtoja on tuolle meidän suosituimmalle lisävarusteellemme. 🏆 Seuraavaan kertaan! 👋
Episode 6: Control options for the Collector // TMK How to series

Episode 6: Control options for the Collector // TMK How to series

In this episode we’ll take a deeper look into the operation of Collector with different control methods. ✔️ We’re using the Collector attachment with and without electricity and going through the basics of how they function. Hydraulics are run into the tree shear from one direct double-acting line, with one shear being a pressure-diverted Collector version and the other a Collector with electricity. 🛢️⚡ ☝️ Carefully discussing through the attachments and their controlling options with your dealer will allow us to provide you with the most suitable combination for your specific needs and help you grow with your work. Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 Next we go through the control options for the Delimber. Until next time! 👋 — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // Tässä jaksossa tarkastelemme tarkemmin keräimen toimintaa eri ohjausvaihtoehdoilla. ✔️ Käytämme keräintä sähköllä ja ilman sähköä ja käymme läpi niiden toiminnan perusteet. 🛢️⚡ ☝️ Keskustelemalla meidän kanssa lisävarusteista ja niiden ohjausvaihtoehdoista voimme antaa sinulle sopivimman yhdistelmän tarpeisiisi ja autamme sinua näin kasvamaan työsi mukana. Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. ✂️🌲💪 Seuraavassa jaksossa käydään sama homma läpi karsimen osalta. Seuraavaan kertaan! 👋
Episode 7: Control options for the Delimber // TMK How to series

Episode 7: Control options for the Delimber // TMK How to series

In this episode we’ll take a deeper look into the operation of Delimber with different control methods. We’re using the Delimber attachment with and without electricity and going through the basics of how they function. Hydraulics are run into the tree shear from one direct double-acting line, with one shear being a pressure-diverted Delimber version 🛢️ and the other a Delimber with electricity. ⚡ ☝️ Carefully discussing through the attachments and their controlling options with your dealer will allow us to provide you with the most suitable combination for your specific needs and help you grow with your work. Along excavators, the TMK Tree Shear products are well suitable and used in Skid Steers, Tractors, Forest machines, Tele handlers, Wheel loaders and such. Most common uses for our Tree Shears contain clearing and thinning operations, rescue and demolition, fuel reduction, wildfire safety zones, problem tree or fallen tree removals caused by i.e. storm devastation etc. ✂️🌲 Next, it’s definitely worth going through that how to operate the TMK Tree Shear. 😅 Until next time! 👋 — The TMK How to series is a combination of useful information and facts in quick video clips to give you an overall better understanding of our products. In this series we’ll start by going through some of the the most common things we think you should consider when looking for or purchasing a TMK Tree Shear. Along the way we’ll continue with different types of episodes to cover the full array of our products and attachments, so make sure to follow our Social Media channels & stay up to date! Got suggestions or feedback on what you’d like to see us go through? Leave a comment or feel free to email us at // Tässä jaksossa tarkastelemme tarkemmin karsimen toimintaa eri ohjausvaihtoehdoilla. ✔️ Käytämme karsinta sähköllä ja ilman sähköä ja käymme läpi niiden toiminnan perusteet. 🛢️⚡ ☝️ Keskustelemalla meidän kanssa lisävarusteista ja niiden ohjausvaihtoehdoista voimme antaa sinulle sopivimman yhdistelmän tarpeisiisi ja autamme sinua näin kasvamaan työsi mukana. Kaivinkoneiden ohella TMK Energiakouran tuotteet soveltuvat hyvin pienkuormaajiin, traktoreihin, metsäkoneisiin, kurottajiin, pyöräkuormaajiin jne. ✂️🌲💪 Seuraavaksi on varmasti syytä käydä läpi, kuinka TMK energiakouraa käytetään. 😅 Seuraavaan kertaan! 👋

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