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Rock Picker

Quickly remove rocks from your field or riding arena using your skid steer.

Sweeper arm pushes rocks into the bucket where the rocks and soil are separated.

We had two versions, a regular spaced bucket with 1.5" spacing for general field rocks. 

And we have a finer material bucket with spacing in the 3/4" range, for smaller rocks and sandy material. 

The finer version also has a broom on the sweeper arm to help push finer material into the bucket. 

We brought in the finer version for riding arenas, sandy areas, finer soils, smaller rocks, etc. 

The buckets are 70” wide.

Runs on standard flow hydraulics, the sweeper arm rotates both ways and is operated with your hydraulic controller, it only requries standard flow.

Made in the U.S.A.

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